Friday, June 26, 2009

The Barricade Part 2

Ok, so the building is still here, and I, a little drunker than when I first started the day, am back inside of it. I'll be honest, I half expected the building to be an absolute mess when I got back tonight. But oh well, enough drama for one day.

Went to work. Had a crazy day there. Then went out to this place called The Coliseum, which is a hang out for the staff at the restaurant I work at after our shift is over, usually at night though. Solid times shootin' the shit.

On the way home, I was listening to Garbage. I haven't listened to that band since I was in 8th grade. I think one or two of their songs may actually sound good on acoustic guitar with the style slightly twisted. I should give it a try.

I am currently working on a few things when it comes to theater. One is a new round of TheatreworksUSA auditions that have suddenly fallen into my lap. TheatreworksUSA is a good company. I really enjoyed my last tour with them. You are technically an Assistant Stage Manager as well as a cast member, but hey, it's a job. I'm happier doing that than I am waiting tables. I also may be in Wisconsin this July in a production of Little Women. More on that if it actually happens.

As for the writing. I am talking to a new theater company in Astoria Queens about producing my first one-act entitled, The One Where the Dad is Dead. The play deals with questions of Identity, mostly revolving around family and how people view their role in a family. And also the question of what is my family?

I also just finished the first draft of my first full-length play entitled Carpenter's Son. If someone were to ask me what that play is about, I'd say "Responsibility, in the existentialist sense of the word." How our choices actually affect the world around us. How even running away from your choices is a choice. Plus, it's a love story. My version of a love story, anyway. I'll be tweaking that one until I can put together a staged reading sometime soon. Thinking about possible casting, my friend Joanna comes to mind playing the mother. Joanna writes a blog called Cozy Josie's Brooklyn Beat. She's great. I don't know if I'll be around enough this summer just yet, but I would love to have it read out loud and get feedback. Last time I had a feedback session, it went really well and some good rewrites were produced from it.

The new project I'm working on is under a folder in my computer titled Lonely Hearts. But I don't think I'm gonna be using that as the title. Just doesn't click for me. But then again, it was the first thing that came into my head. This one-act is inspired by the idea of loneliness in NYC. Two people thrown together with two different ways of dealing with their isolation. Thinking about it right now, I can see how Brilliant Traces by Cindy Lou Johnson could be a big influence on this one-act. I'll have to see if I can bring something new to the very basic concept of two people finding each other in a sea of onstensibly hostile faces.

"'This is my way; where is yours?' - thus I answered those who asked me 'the way'. For the way - that does not exist."
- Thus Spoke Zarathustra


The NYPD are currently right outside the apartment across from mine wearing full riot gear. They are attempting to coax a man out of his apartment before they have to bust the door in. I've been watching on and off for about an hour now while I try to write. I hope something happens before I have to get ready for work. If there's a door being busted in, I wanna see it. Weeeiiiird.