Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Give and Take

So, Monday night comes along and I get home from a night shift at work. I'm ready to go home, enjoy a sandwich, some chips maybe. Who knows?

Enter my apartment at 10:45pm and walk over to the door of my room. It's locked. Which is an impossibility in my mind seeing as there is no official key to that door. I'm able to shimmy the lock open, congratulations lock, you're useless. And step inside.

My windows are wide open. Shit is moved around in my room. And some key items are now missing. Like a PS3, a PSP, a case of DVDs, and my laptop with everything I've written over the past month and a half on it. Gone. Fantastic. Long story shortened, the police come, take fingerprints. I file a report. All that. A detective called and talked to me today about it. Very nice man. Very nicely told me that I'd never see these items again. Which is exactly what I expected. So yeah, that was fun.


That day I also received some wonderful gifts. Look at them below!

The first is a portrait of myself drawn by my friend Greg. I think he was overwhelmed by the pools of mystery and romance that are my eyes. So he drew them closed. Oh well.

The second is a little note my friend margarette gave me after learning I'd been robbed. How sweet. Thank you Margarette.

So yeah. The day takes, the day gives. What else can I expect?

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