Thursday, September 10, 2009

It's 5:51 am. I'm packing items into a suitcase too large for a 5 day trip with shards of this song ripping through my attention span.

Dance Music - The Mountain Goats

Not that that's a bad thing. Those guys are fucking epic. I can't remember having such a visceral reaction to a band before. John Darnielle's lyrics are simple, honest, and gut-wrenching. And I could listen to them all day. I mean, damn. Here's another one for you to listen to once and make a split-second judgement of.

Sax Rohmer #1 - The Mountain Goats

I head off to Illinois in approximately 3 hours. My flight is out of JFK at 12:30pm, but I'm leaving my apartment at 9am because I really don't want to miss this flight. I'll have a lay-over in Detroit where I hope not to get shived repeatedly, but instead, have a nice sandwich or something. Chances of either happening are pretty much the same.

Quit my dayjob officially a day or two ago. I'll be on the road doing another TheatreworksUSA tour for october, november, and december. Hopefully, I won't need to go back. No me gustan los dayjobs. Los dayjobs son crap.

Up to number 79 in my 101 things to do in 1001 days. I'm almost there. I could fill the rest of it up with stuff I don't actually care about, but what's the use of that?

Currently watching the copy of High Fidelity I rented from Blockbuster 3 years ago and never returned. Oh John Cusack, teach us once again the way from boyhood to manhood.

And the sun rises once again over the hope-filled, urine-stained alleys of Harlem. The time is currently 6:19am

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